In an effort to better serve our patients and physicians, Southwest General has pursued contracts with many Managed Care Organizations (MCOs). We strive to develop contracts with companies who not only provide good medical coverage to their subscribers, but also who provide fair reimbursement and equitable contract terms. In addition to accepting traditional Medicare and Medicaid, Southwest has arranged special “managed care” contracts with the following entities:
Southwest General accepts all Medicare Private Fee For Service (PFFS) plans.
This list is meant to be a basic guide and not provide detailed information. Periodic updates to this list may occur. If you have any questions or require additional information please contact Michelle at 440-816-6779
Aetna Commercial
Please see non-contracted list for exceptions
Aetna Medicare Advantage
Please see non-contracted list for exceptions
Aetna Other Government
AmeriHealth Caritas - Medicaid
Anthem BCBS Commercial
Please see non-contracted list for exceptions
Anthem Medicare Advantage
Please see non-contracted list for exceptions
Anthem Medicaid
Beech Street - PPO
Behavioral Health Systems
Buckeye Community Plan
Carelon Behavioral Health (Beacon Health) (Value Options)
Cigna Evernorth Behavioral Health
Cigna Healthcare
Please see non-contracted list for exceptions
Cigna Medicare Advantage
Clarity Health
Communicare Medicare I-SNP
Devoted Health Medicare
First Health/CCN/Coventry PPO
HealthSmart PPO
Health Ohio Network PPO
Healthstar PPO/PPO Next
Horizon Health- Behavioral Health Only
SWG and SGMG are Out of Network with Humana Medicare Advantage. Please
see non-contracted list for exceptions*
Humana Health Horizons
Humana Behavioral Health
Medical Mutual of Ohio
Please see non-contracted list for exceptions
MMO Medicare Advantage
Northcoast HealthCare
Ohio Bureau of Workers' Comp
Ohio Health Choice/OHC Plus
Paramount Elite Medicare - SGMG only
PHS/Direct Care America - PPO
PHCS/MultiPlan - PPO & POS
Please see non-contracted list for exceptions
TheraMatrix Physical Therapy Network
TriCare: Humana TriCare
United Behavioral Health (Optum)
United Healthcare Commercial
Please see non-contracted list for exceptions
United Healthcare Medicare Advantage
United Healthcare Medicaid
Veterans (VA)
Wellcare Medicare Advantage
Non-Contracted or “Out-of-network” (OON) means providers and facilities that haven’t signed a contract with a health plan to provide services. Out-of-network providers may be allowed to bill for the difference between what the plan pays and the full amount charged for a service. This is called “balance billing.” “Surprise billing” is an unexpected balance bill. Surprise medical bills could cost thousands of dollars depending on the procedure or service.
All SWG Patients are protected under the No Surprise Billing Act (NSA) that went into effect 1/1/22. In short, patients will be billed no more than their in-network patient out-of-pocket amounts according to their benefit plans. Any and all additional reimbursement must come from the payer’s OON payment rate OR a further negotiated single case agreement. Southwest General DOES NOT BALANCE BILL patients and will work with all plans to be compliant with the NSA regulations. More information about the NSA can be found on our website under Financial Tools. If you have questions about an OON provider, please call or email Managed Care.
*Please note - this is not a complete list of non-contracted insurance plans, these are the most common plans.
Anthem Pathway HMO X - exclusive to MetroHealth
Anthem Medicare Advantage
CIGNA Open Access Plus Pathwell Pharmacy Benefit
Humana Medicare Advantage including Humana HMO D-SNP
Medical Mutual
Oscar health plans
Paramount Elite Medicare Advantage - Hospital
United Healthcare Exchange
Other Non Contracted/ OON “Plans” not subject to NSA:
Reference Based Plans-- These plans typically have NO NETWORK even possible and have “Acceptance Language” on the card that says we would accept a low percentage of Medicare (e.g. 120% of Medicare) for the services. These are not recognized by SWG as Contracted Plans and therefore do not accept or recognize a discount, unless the medical plan can access a contracted wrap PPO network (common examples: Cigna, PHCS, or First Health).
Example Referenced Based Pricing Plans (not complete, just some common ones)
Healthshare Programs- Healthshare Programs are NOT insurance. They are predatory and profit seeking companies that more and more patients are presenting with. They may or MAY NOT pay anything towards the patient’s bill.
Patients who present with only a Healthshare card should be registered with the
HEALTHSHARE insurance plan. If you are unsure if it’s a healthshare program,
you can register it under MISC COMMERCIAL INS.
Example Healthcare Sharing Plans -
*Please note this is not a complete list of non-contracted insurance plans, these are the most common plans.