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Pregnancy Au Naturel

Pregnancy Au Naturel

Pregnancy Au Naturel

Throughout your pregnancy, you will be focused on your physical health as well as on that of your unborn baby. But pregnancy shouldn’t just be about your physical health. It should be about your mental and spiritual well-being, as well, given the lack of rest and increased stress and anxiety often associated with pregnancy.

For some moms-to-be, caring for their baby as well as their mind and spirit comes in the form of a holistic approach to both their pregnancy and delivery. A holistic approach:

  • Promotes a healthy pregnancy and overall well-being
  • Allows pregnancy and labor to naturally progress, recognizing the body’s natural inclination to conceive, nourish and deliver
  • Addresses and treats pregnancy pains using alternative therapies
  • Relies less on medical intervention and/or medication during labor and delivery, eliminating the “medication fog” some new moms encounter when trying to remember details of their labor and delivery experience

Remember, there is no right or wrong way to do your pregnancy and delivery. It falls solely on your wishes and desires. If an au naturel birthing journey feels right for you, here are some tips to help you enjoy a healthy, holistic pregnancy and delivery:

  • Eat well. Choose healthy, natural and/or organic foods that are rich in nutrition, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and dairy products.
  • Stay hydrated. Don’t forget to stay hydrated, too, by drinking plenty of water. Certain herbal teas also may have some positive effects to ease pregnancy discomforts or event help make delivery less painful.
  • Supplement your diet. Layer in prenatal supplements to ensure you and your baby get much-needed vitamins, minerals and more.
  • Stay active. Although you may feel tired, particularly in your first trimester, try to get into the habit of doing light exercises—even a couple of short walks—daily.
  • Be mindful. Listen to your body and rest when necessary. Techniques such as stretching, yoga, meditation, massage, acupuncture, chiropractic manipulation, even hypnosis, can aid in relaxing both your body and mind, helping to reduce stress and ease anxiety or fear.
  • Customize your birthing journey. Build a plan that is right for you, which may include your desire for a natural, medication-free birth; use of a midwife for your medical care; engaging a doula for emotional support; walking during early labor and much more.
  • Soothe your soul. Surround yourself with anything, and everything, that will promote calm, health and emotional well-being. This may include the aromatic essential oils of aromatherapy, the tranquil sounds of nature or other music, deep breathing exercises, even soft, soothing colors.
  • Manage pain without medication. The use of calming breathing techniques, a warm bath, music and games, a strategically placed heating pad or ice pack or a birthing ball, can help refocus attention and ease pain and discomfort, especially during labor and delivery.

No matter what your lifestyle or labor and delivery choices, this is your birthing journey. Talk to your doctor about your wishes to help tailor a birth experience that is right for you and your family.

At the new Cosgrove Maternity Center at Southwest General, we offer several options to complement a holistic approach, including aromatherapy, birthing or peanut balls, labor tubs, medication-free delivery options and cozy birthing suites featuring soft, soothing colors and nature-inspired artwork. To learn more, visit our website.