Southwest General is committed to providing the information and help you need to manage your health care.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have a potentially life-threatening emergency, call 9-1-1 immediately.
For non-emergency medical questions or concerns, call your provider’s office directly.
To make an appointment with a provider on Southwest General’s Medical Staff—or to cancel or re-schedule a provider appointment—call the provider’s office directly. You can find provider information, including name, phone number and office address, in our online Directory.
To schedule, cancel or reschedule all other appointments, call our Scheduling Department at 440-816-8605.
To learn about employment opportunities at Southwest General, or the status of an employment application, visit our Careers page for contact information and instructions.
If you have concerns about the care you have received, we encourage you to speak directly to the manager of the department that administered the service. If you are unsure who to contact, or if attempts to resolve an issue are unsatisfactory and you still have concerns, Southwest General’s Patient Relations Department is available to help. To receive assistance from a dedicated patient representative, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., please call 440-816-8954.
To pay your bill online, to ask a question about your bill or for information on insurance coverage, our patient bill estimator, financial assistance and more, visit the Financial Tools section of our website.
Southwest General provides patients with access to their medical records in several ways. Visit our medical records page learn more, or to request a copy of your medical records.
Southwest General’s HealtheLife patient portal gives you easy online access to portions of your hospital-based electronic medical record. If you have problems setting up or logging into your HealtheLife account, or issues with your username and password, call Technical Support at 877-621-8014, 24-hours a day, seven days a week.
For other issues, see our Frequently Asked Questions or contact us at portal@swgeneral.com.
If you, or someone you know, is in need of behavioral health services, contact 440-816-8200, to learn more about our programs and services or to make an appointment. Additional information can be found on the Behavioral Health section of our website.
If your concern is regarding a matter after business hours, and is life-threatening, please go to the nearest Emergency Room or contact 9-1-1.
To learn more about the volunteer opportunities at Southwest General, visit our volunteer services section.
If you are with the news media, and are interested in speaking with a member of our Marketing & Business Development staff, please call or text 216-299-7727.
If you are trying to contact a department directly, or for all other questions, please visit our Phone Directory