The following list of Health Center amenities is provided to help accomplish this. For additional information or answers to specific questions, call 440-816-5050.
Hair care and manicure services are available every Tuesday. Prices vary and cash and checks are accepted at time of service. For information or an appointment, call 440-816-8673.
Conveniently located in Southwest General’s Main Lobby, the Southwest Community Pharmacy allows patients to fill a prescription when leaving their physicians’ office or upon discharge.
The Good Neighbor Pharmacy Prescription Savings Club is available at the pharmacy and helps members reduce prescriptions costs.
If you're a parent-to-be, WelcomeNewborn lets you create a WelcomeSite - your baby's personal web site - so you can announce your new baby over the internet to selected family and friends - right from the hospital!
For patient and visitor convenience, an ATM (sponsored by Fifth Third Bank), is located in the Health Center’s Main Lobby.