Prior to discharge from the hospital, we can have your home-going prescriptions ready for you to pick up on your way out at Southwest Community Pharmacy, conveniently located in Southwest General's Main Lobby!
Your physician will write your home-going prescriptions and send them electronically to Southwest Community Pharmacy. We fill your prescriptions for you using your insurance information.
We have access to any manufacturer coupons offered and can help provide the lowest-priced drug alternatives. if you do not have insurance or cannot afford the copayment, we can help.
Since your physician is readily available to discuss your care while you are still here as a patient, our pharmacists can confer with your physician about alternatives or patient assistance programs that many help.
Prior to discharge, let your nurse or discharge planner know that you are interested in our Discharge Prescription Service. We take care of the rest!
On your way out, just pick up your new medications. We accept all major credit cards, cash and your personal check.
When a medication refill is needed, you can fill it at Southwest Community Pharmacy, or the prescription can be transferred to your local or mail-order pharmacy.
For more information about Southwest General's Discharge Prescription Service, please call 440-816-8410.