Hospitalization can be a very trying time for you, as a patient, and your family. In unfamiliar surroundings, you may find yourself separated from daily routine, from familiar people and sometimes from your religious community.
Recognizing the value of spiritual support, Southwest General's Spiritual Care Services Department has established programs to minister to the spiritual and emotional needs of you, our patient, your family and friends.
If information about your faith affiliation was given at the time of admission, our volunteers will notify your congregation. Clergy is welcome to visit any time. If you do not have a local faith affiliation but would like a visit by a local clergy, we would be pleased to make the arrangements. Please call the hospital chaplain through the operator by dialing 0.
The hospital chaplain is available to help patient and families of all faiths to:
The hospital chaplain can be reached through the operator by dialing 0.
Stephen Ministry is an extension of Spiritual Care Services to serve the needs of patients in their homes following hospitalization. Trained Stephen Ministers provide a long-term, caring presence and spiritual support to persons who are recovering from a variety of health situations. Stephen Ministers provide spiritual guidance as well to patients and families throughout the hospital.
A chapel for private prayer and meditation is located on the first floor of the hospital, across from the Information Desk. It is open at all hours to patients, visitors and hospital staff.
Holy Communion for Catholic patients is administered by the Catholic chaplain and by Eucharistic ministers from St. Mary's in Berea, on Sundays, from 7 a.m. - 8 a.m., and on Wednesdays, after 8 p.m. The hospital chaplain also is available to administer Holy Communion to those who desire it.
A variety of religious materials are available for your use, including the Bible.
Please do not hesitate to ask for a visit from the chaplain or a Stephen Minister--we always are available 24 hours a day to assist patients and families. We are here to provide help, support, counseling and prayer as you journey toward health and wellness.
For more information on Southwest General’s Spiritual Care Services/Stephen Ministry, please call 440-816-8648.