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Colon Cancer Screenings

Southwest Generals’ Screening Colonoscopy Program

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death. Part of what makes this disease so dangerous is that there are usually no noticeable symptoms in the early stages. Although most commonly associated with men, both men and women can develop colon cancer.

The good news is that colon cancer is one cancer that can be prevented. With colonoscopy cancer screening, your doctor can examine your colon for potentially cancerous growths known as polyps. Removing these growths early enough can prevent colon cancer from forming.

What You Should Know About Colon Cancer Screening

Colonoscopy is the primary exam used to diagnose colon cancer. In a colonoscopy, a small, flexible, tube-shaped camera is inserted through the rectum and travels through the digestive tract. This procedure allows doctors to see the entire colon, making it the most effective tool we have for colon cancer screening.

It is recommended that patients with average colon cancer risk factors receive their first cancer screening at age 50. Your doctor may recommend you have one earlier if you have above-average risk factors, such as a family history of the disease.

Open Access Colonoscopy Screening Program

Southwest General offers an Open Access Colonoscopy Screening Program, which makes scheduling of screening colonoscopies easier. The program provides the option for eligible patients to skip the pre-colonoscopy doctor’s visit and directly schedule the procedure. To determine eligibility, patients are required to fill out an online application that contains a medical history questionnaire before being scheduled.

Our team will review applications daily and call within two business days to let patients know if they qualify for the Open Access Colonoscopy Screening Program. If you qualify, you will be scheduled with our next available physician for your screening colonoscopy.

Healthy individuals aged 50 or older who need a routine screening colonoscopy are excellent candidates for the Open Access Colonoscopy Screening Program. Those experiencing digestive health issues will be asked to schedule an appointment with a gastroenterologist prior to scheduling a colonoscopy and are not candidates for the Open Access Colonoscopy Screening Program.



To learn more about getting a screening colonoscopy or the opportunities available at Southwest General, please call 440-816-8086.