At Southwest General, our Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program is one for breathing-impaired individuals who experience difficulty with shortness of breath, repeated pulmonary flare-ups and hospitalizations or are seeking information to deal with these concerns. Lung diseases--including COPD--include emphysema, chronic bronchitis, asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, interstitial lung disease or neuromuscular abnormalities.
Our Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program is structured to include exercise, breathing, retraining education and dietary counseling. The program has specific goals to improve quality of life. Those goals include:
Medical necessity for pulmonary rehabilitation is demonstrated by patients who meet certain criteria. This is done by having pulmonary function test (spirometry) that will confirm the degree of severity.
There are three phases that are led by health care professionals who are continually learning new and improved techniques in pulmonary rehabilitation. This includes new medical technology, modalities and educational forms.
This is an initial counseling session in the inpatient setting with a physician referral to explain the pulmonary rehabilitation program. The phase is also for inpatient smoking cessation visits.
This phase consists of monitored exercise and educational sessions. These sessions are geared toward improving your heart and lung function, thereby strengthening the muscles used for breathing. Often times, patients may limit physical activities because of the fear of becoming short of breath. Over time, muscle strength decreases, and patients find themselves becoming weaker. Southwest General's program enables patients to pursue activities to the fullest extent of their abilities. This boosts confidence to maintain physical fitness and have full control over breathing.
The physical conditioning is done in a group setting and includes activities such as stationary bicycling, treadmill, pulley weights, rowing machine, hand weights, arm ergometers and a stationary weight machine.
Phase II education includes:
Pulmonary Rehab Phase II is covered by most insurance plans. However, patients should check with their own insurance company regarding coverage.
Upon graduation from a Phase II program, we encourage patients to further their rehabilitation, whether it be home exercise, at a local recreation center or in our Phase III program. Our Phase II graduates enjoy a special camaraderie and this continues and grows.
These sessions are self-pay and medically supervised. Oxygen is provided, if needed. This part of the program stresses continuing physical conditioning.
The Phase II program is held at Southwest General's Main Campus and the Strongsville Medical Center on Pearl Road.
The Phase III program is held at Southwest General Main Campus.
We Look Forward to Helping You
For more information about Southwest General’s Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program, call 440-816-8007.