About Your Surgery
The Night Before Surgery
- Please do not eat or drink anything after midnight on the evening before
your surgery, unless instructed otherwise.
- If you are taking medications for high blood pressure, diabetes or nervous
disorders, contact your surgeon for additional instructions.
- Medications and anesthesia may be harmful to a fetus, especially in the
first 12 weeks of pregnancy. If there is the possibility of pregnancy,
please contact your surgeon prior to undergoing surgery.
- Notify your surgeon immediately if there are any changes in your health
or if you have been exposed to any communicable diseases.
- Please do not drink alcoholic beverages 24 hours prior to your surgery.
The Morning of Surgery
- You will be called by the Surgery Center staff the day before your surgery
to confirm your arrival time. Please bring your photo ID, insurance card
and any payment that is due. • Bathe the morning of surgery. If you
shampoo your hair, make sure it is dry, and do not use hairs pray.
- Do not wear makeup, lipstick, lotions or hair spray.
- Wear loose-fitting, casual clothing that can be easily removed and that
will fit over large dressings.
- Do not bring or wear rings, watches or other valuables.
- Remove all fingernail polish.
- Do not eat or drink anything the morning of surgery, unless otherwise directed.
Prior to Surgery
- Patients must sign a surgical consent form before any medication can be
given or surgery performed.
- Minors must have a parent or legal guardian sign a consent form before
surgery can be performed.
- Minors must have a parent or guardian stay in the Surgery Center at all
times during surgery and recovery.
- Patients should not leave the Surgery Center unless they are under the
care and supervision of a responsible adult. This may be a friend or relative
who can drive the patient home and who is 18 years of age or older.
- Smoking 24 hours before or after surgery may be detrimental to your recovery.
Following Surgery
- Do not drive, sign important papers or make critical decisions for at least 24 hours.
- Do not operate machinery, power tools, etc. for at least 24 hours.
- Do not drink alcoholic beverages for at least 24 hours.
- A representative of the Surgery Center will contact you the first business
day after your surgery to inquire about your condition.
- Your surgeon will provide you with post-operative instructions regarding
diet, rest and medication.
In the event of any difficulties or complications, call your surgeon immediately
or go to the nearest emergency room.